Past and Next Events
02.02 / Performance + Artist Talk, CTM Festival in partnership with D&B Soundscape, Berlin
16.01 / Performance, Soft Rotation, 674FM, Köln
03.11-03.12 / Sound Art Lab Residency (selected by International Open Call), Struer, Denmark
15.11 / Performance, Lunar Eclipse Ritual with Lou Drago and Mads Kjeldgaard, Struer, Denmark
05.11 / Workshop "Sound And Memory Space", DTA Kunst Og Design (Dansk Talentakademi Kunst & Design), Holstebro, Denmark
02.11 / Performance, Museumsnacht, Köln International School of Design, Köln, Germany
23.10 / Artist Talk, Escritas Performáticas, PUC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
28.09 / Performance, Festival Murmuro, Bosque Escénico, Mexico City
21.09 / Performance, Festival Poesía en Voz Alta, Casa Del Lago UNAM, Mexico City
07.09 / Workshop "Sound And Memory Space", Museo Morelense de Arte Contemporaneo (MMAC Juan Soriano), Cuernavaca, Mexico
20.07 / Sound Installation with Jorge Crowe (ARG), Festival CHIII, Tendal da Lapa, São Paulo, Brazil
17.07 / Performance, MIRAGEM AV: sons e imagens em tempo presente, Canteiro, São Paulo, Brazil